Are Age Restrictions a Barrier to All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Are there any age restrictions for getting all-on-4 dental implants? Learn about age restrictions on all-on-4 dental implants and how Downtown Dental Excellence can help.

Are Age Restrictions a Barrier to All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Many people of all ages have had dental implants and have had excellent treatment results. From 60 to 90 years old, dental implants are often an excellent and common solution for fixed bridges and dentures. There is no age limit for dental implants, but they can be more expensive than alternative options. If patients are in their final years of age, they may not think that investing in a dental implant is right for them.

These patients might consider more conservative and affordable options, such as full or partial dentures, to meet their needs. Despite their benefits, dental implants aren't suitable for everyone, including patients under 18. In general, we don't recommend dental implants for very young patients because they usually do not yet have a fully developed jaw. We evaluate patients on a case-by-case basis to determine their eligibility and growth. There is no upper age limit for dental implants, and our doctors have had a lot of success with older patients. According to the American Dental Association, half of men and women over 65 are missing at least one tooth, making them ideal candidates for the dental implant procedure. Older people who have lived with removable dentures for many years may feel prepared to switch to permanent, non-removable dental implants.

Every time patients visit the dentist for a checkup appointment, the dental team will ensure that the implant is still in place and working as it should. While not an absolute fact, this generally means that patients under 18 are not candidates for dental implants unless their jaws are fully developed. Patients love dental implants because they are maintained the same way patients keep the rest of their smiles. There are several reasons why dental implants are becoming the treatment of choice for patients who are missing one or more teeth. While some teeth can be saved, there are cases where it is medically necessary to place dental implants. Downtown Dental Excellence is a modern, cutting-edge office that offers patients in the Cleveland area a full range of general and cosmetic dental services, from routine checkups to complete smile changes. General health, not just age, is the main consideration when evaluating a patient's eligibility for dental implants and, therefore, healthy people between 80 and 90 years old can receive treatment.

A requirement for dental implants is that the patient's jaw must be fully developed to support the system. You may be considering dental implants if you are missing one or more of your natural teeth because you've heard that they are the best option after continuing to have natural teeth.

Lorna Clarke
Lorna Clarke

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