What to Do When a Dental Implant Fails

Failed treatment with dental implants can be stressful. Learn about your options if your dental implants fail and what are some common causes of dental implant failure.

What to Do When a Dental Implant Fails

Failed treatment with dental implants can be a stressful experience. If an implant needs to be replaced, it will be removed and the area gently cleaned. If the bone is intact around the area of the removed implant, no bone graft will be necessary. However, if there is bone loss, a bone graft may be necessary to improve the site where the implant will be replaced.

If the cause of the failure is the rupture of the implant, but the jaw is not damaged, then no major operation is necessary. It is important to tell your dentist as soon as possible to avoid further damage. Your New York City dentist can immediately remove the damaged implant and place a new one. A new implant will be replaced after there is a clear understanding of the causes of the failure of the first implant. This makes the second implant more durable.Uncontrolled diabetes, smoking, low bone volume, or dental implants can contribute to dental implant failure in the short term.

This is why it is important to learn about your options as soon as possible if your dental implants fail. In that case, the risk of early implant failure was higher in patients who underwent a bone grafting procedure and implants of less than 10 mm. Dental implants are made of metal and work through a biological process called osseointegration. Although their success rate is very high, it is not unknown if they fail and fall out or have to be removed because they are failing. In addition, dental implants work like a natural tooth, are secure in the mouth and can last a lifetime. After an exam and a 3D CT scan, a skilled surgeon can develop a treatment plan to help you regain your oral health for a dental implant replacement or alternative treatment.

Sometimes, if the patient does not maintain a good oral hygiene routine after placing the implants, this can be a contributing factor to the failure of the implants and this would be the individual's responsibility.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Dental Implant Failure?

The most common reason for dental implant failure is “osseointegration”. The bone in which the implants are placed must have the quantity and density required for the implant procedure to be a viable option. If this is not present, you may no longer be a good candidate for dental implants, so an alternative form of restorative dental procedure, such as a bridge, may be recommended.

What Can You Do If Your Dental Implant Fails?

First, depending on how long it has elapsed since the implant failed and, perhaps, on whether you needed a bone graft for the first one, there may not be enough bone structure in which an implant can be placed. Your dentist will take the time needed to better understand your faulty dental implant and the steps to replace it.

If your dentist notices that the implant is mobile, he or she will recommend an X-ray to determine if there is significant bone loss around the metal part of the dental implant.

Lorna Clarke
Lorna Clarke

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