Do I Need a Bone Graft for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Do you need a bone graft for all-on-4 dental implants? Learn about advanced implant dentistry and oral surgery techniques available to compensate for bone loss and prepare you for permanent dental implants.

Do I Need a Bone Graft for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Do you need a bone graft for all-on-4 dental implants? The answer is yes, as several types of bone grafts are used depending on the extent of the damage and the location of the missing tooth. It is important to note that the bone graft must be fully healed before the implants can be placed. Even if you have a condition where there isn't enough bone for implants, this doesn't mean you can't consider dental implants. In most cases, you won't need a bone graft if you decide to have dental implant surgery. Advanced implant dentistry and oral surgery techniques are now available to compensate for bone loss and prepare you for permanent dental implants and single, multiple, or complete tooth replacement procedures.

Santa Monica Dental Practice, Santa Monica Periodontics & Implant Surgery offers dental implants, gum grafts, scraping, root smoothing and more. A sinus lift is one of the most common bone grafting procedures for patients with bone loss in the upper jaw. This procedure grows bone on the floor of the maxillary sinus to allow for the safe placement of dental implants. In fact, anyone who has lost a tooth may need a bone graft before a dental implant can be placed. Modern methods allow for tooth replacement options with implants that look and feel natural, even in cases of serious dental problems, aesthetic problems and lack of bone. A bone graft thickens and widens the jaw so that it can support dental implants properly.

Graft-free implant solutions work with properly designed or angular implants that can take advantage of the limited bone available to support new teeth, without the need for bone grafting procedures, multiple surgeries, or stages of treatment.

Lorna Clarke
Lorna Clarke

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