Can I Eat Normally with All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Find out what kind of diet you should follow after All-on-4 dental implant surgery and how to prevent constipation.

Can I Eat Normally with All-on-4 Dental Implants?

If you've had ALL-ON-4 dental implant surgery, you may be wondering if you can resume a normal diet. The answer is yes, but it will take some time for your implant wound to heal and for your new permanent teeth to be ready. After the initial surgery, you'll need to follow a liquid diet and a soft food diet for the first few weeks. Once your dental implants are fully integrated with your jaw and you receive your new permanent teeth, you can eat just about anything again, including hard and crunchy foods.

The day after dental implant surgery, you can start eating very bland foods such as applesauce, mashed potatoes, and frozen yogurt. Cold drinks such as water, juice, and milk are good options until the numbness caused by the anesthesia goes away. Warm liquids should be avoided for the first few days as they can burn sleepy tissues in the mouth. What you eat in the days and weeks after ALL-ON-4 surgery can help determine how quickly your gums and dental implants will heal and how well you'll feel during recovery.

Fourth, you will be hungry as a result of drinking only liquids and abstaining from eating solid foods for about the first week after All-on-4 implant surgery. Constipation is also common after ALL-ON-4 surgery because prescription painkillers, in particular vicodin, codeine and percocets, are usually used a few days after a surgical procedure with an ALL-ON-4 dental implant and have the known side effect of slowing small bowel movement.

Not only are fiber-rich foods healthier than low-fiber foods, but fiber also plays an important role in preventing constipation.

All-on-4 implant surgery is a comprehensive and effective solution for gum diseases and dental cavities in which complete upper or lower arches are missing or cannot be repaired. Comprehensive surgery is a dental technique that replaces an entire arc of missing teeth with dentures that are firmly anchored in place with dental implants.

Lorna Clarke
Lorna Clarke

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