Will All-on-4 Dental Implants Affect Your Facial Appearance?

Learn how All-on-4 dental implants can affect your facial appearance from Kevin Boulard at Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center in Merrimack, NH.

Will All-on-4 Dental Implants Affect Your Facial Appearance?

Thanks to dental implants, the loss of a seemingly harmless tooth will not cause the deterioration of the facial structure. There are a lot of things that can affect the shape of your face, and if you lose your teeth on the back, this can dramatically change the shape of your face. The height of the face can change and the fullness of the cheeks can also change. For some people, the size of dentures is a big problem, and while a denture attached to dental implants is much smaller, there is an even smaller option - All-on-4 dental implants.

While a traditional implant is used to replace a single missing tooth, All-on-4 dental implants offer patients the replacement of a full arch for their upper or lower teeth. A fixed bridge can often be placed over dental implants; again, this can replace bone and tooth. The two main advantages of this are that it is fixed in position and is much thinner compared to a plastic denture attached to dental implants. Dental implants are most commonly used to replace teeth, but as you know, replacing teeth is not enough.

Dental implants provide thicker cheeks that don't collapse, helping patients look younger and feel more confident in their appearance. Kevin Boulard has received additional training in addition to his degree in general dentistry and his education to stay up to date on the latest techniques and provide patients in Merrimack, NH with the right options for their dental and cosmetic needs. Contact one of the dental professionals at the Aesthetic Dental & Specialty Center to determine if you are a candidate for a comprehensive dental implant. A successful All-on-4 implant requires a strict follow-up program, adequate management of healing and oral health, clear long-term dental hygiene practices, and special dietary requirements.

Boulard will evaluate the health of your gums and jaw to determine if a dental implant is the right solution for you. However, thanks to modern dental technology in recent years, dental implants have become the preferred option for overcoming tooth loss. Because the implants are fixed to the bone, the dentures attached to the dental implants are very secure, so it is possible to dramatically improve the stability of normal dentures with dental implants. Dental implants make your smile look naturally beautiful and provide the support needed to restore facial features.

Kevin Boulard offers preventive and restorative dental treatments, such as dental implants, for patients in the Merrimack, NH area. If your dentist has suggested a comprehensive dental implant as a treatment option to restore damaged or missing teeth, make sure you fully understand the process so you can determine if the solution is right for you. “All in four” dental implants are an important task, but they can change your life for the better. All-on-4 implants are strategically placed to maximize existing bone and preserve and stimulate natural bone growth, allowing for a successful procedure.

Lorna Clarke
Lorna Clarke

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