How Long Does it Take for a Dental Implant to Fail?

Learn about early and late problems associated with dental implant failure and how long they typically last. Find out if you may be entitled to compensation if your dentist was negligent.

How Long Does it Take for a Dental Implant to Fail?

Success Factors, early problems, late problems, and conclusion - all of these are factors that can contribute to the failure of dental implants. Early dental failure can occur within the first three to four months of the procedure, and is often due to a lack of proper oral hygiene. If the patient does not maintain a good oral hygiene routine after placing the implants, this can be a contributing factor to the failure of the implants. Because they adhere to the inner jaw, dental implants do not put pressure on neighboring teeth, as dental bridges usually do, and do not require any special steps to clean them. Every situation is unique, so liability for dental implant failure can vary.

If you think you could file a dental negligence claim due to improper placement or other dental problems that have caused you pain or suffering, it is best to speak with legal experts such as the Dental Law Partnership to find out if your claim may be valid. Most patients who receive dental implants are successful, meaning that their implant lasts for many years or even the rest of their lives. A dental implant consists of a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jaw to act as an artificial tooth root. Basically, dental implants should feel the same as real teeth, so any sign that this isn't the case could be a problem that could lead to failure. When analyzing the main causes of dental implant failure, it is important to consider several factors and criteria before performing the procedure, as all of these influence the chances of success.

While looking at images of defective dental implants may be discouraging, keep in mind that this is only 5 out of 100 cases. If you have had dental implants placed and one or more of them failed, this can have a significant impact on your life. But how long do dental implants normally last? The answer to this question largely depends on the patient's choices and general dental hygiene. While not all dental implant failures are due to a dentist's mistake, if this is what happened, it can cause a sense of injustice, as well as pain, suffering and potentially requiring more expensive treatment. You may no longer be a good candidate for dental implants, so an alternative form of restorative dental procedure such as a bridge may be recommended.

Smoking can also cause dental implants to fail because it restricts blood flow to the gums, delaying the healing process. If your dentist did not take all necessary precautions and your dental implants failed as a result of this negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

Lorna Clarke
Lorna Clarke

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